
Here is a short list of projects I’ve been involved with in the past or am currently working on. Note that complete publication history (with detailed citations) is located in my CV. Overall, much of my work is currently directed towards solving PDE-constrained optimization problems, especially with regards to solving nonsmooth and nonconvex problems. In the past, I’ve also worked on uncertainty quantification for biological models.

  • 2024 (working projects)
    1. Coordinate Descent for Total-Variation Integer Optimal Control (with Paul Manns).
    2. Theory and Continuation Strategies for Moreau-Yosida Smoothed Problems (with Alexander Hsu, Aleksandr Aravkin, Dominique Orban)
    3. Adaptive Randomized Sketching for Dynamic Nonsmooth Optimization (with Drew Kouri and Harbir Antil - full journal submission).
    4. A Stochastic Trust-Region Method for Nonsmooth Optimization (with Aurya Javeed, Katya Scheinberg, and Drew Kouri).
    5. A Multifidelity Variational Inference Approach to Sea-Ice Inversion (with Christian Glusa and John Jakeman).

Here is an unordered bibliography of work I’ve submitted/published/reported/talked. A more complete/detailed version is located in my CV.


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